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Nature in your hands

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Highest quality products
Terrægusto is a new reality, started thanks to the resourcefulness of two young people who choose to do quality mountain farming on a daily basis, respecting the natural cycles dictated by mother nature.
Products come from the territorial tradition, the seeds are the ancient ones, handed down from generation to generation.
“For us, cultivating means learning to love nature and its systemicity for its great ability to offer us authentic products and flavors.”

Terrægusto’s Founder

The white poor bean is a local ecotype of Phaseolus vulgaris
It has been cultivated for millennia in the western area of Calabria, in the mountainous and irrigated area of the municipalities of Mormanno, Laino Borgo, Laino Castello and Aieta where the Pollino National Park is located, and is called in the local dialect “Fasulu povireddru iangu”.
The bean “Poverello Bianco” is a local ecotype that is characterized by the oval-shaped seed, free of mottles and low percentage of tegument. It has a high protein content, on average about 26%, and high values of sulfide proteins. The cultivation of this bean also has great environmental value due to the tap root type which, penetrating deeply, maintains a good soil structure, preserving it from erosion. The roots also develop tubercles that are able to provide a fair amount of nitrogen in the soil.
The cultivation and harvesting techniques have remained unchanged and are carried out manually, excluding any type of synthetic chemical and without the use of agricultural machinery. The seeds are the ancient ones, proudly handed down from generation to generation, like a wedding trousseau. This allows you to bring genuine products to the table that possess the flavors of the past.
With the white bean you can make different dishes, such as tasty purees and soups. Furthermore, it can be combined with pasta and used in salads. This legume takes on a particularly sublime taste especially if cooked on the fire in the clay pot, just like the peasants used to do. The main characteristics of this legume are the particularly delicate flavor and the ease of cooking.
According to some testimonies, the poor white bean was grown in past centuries on an area of 1000 hectares and fed several generations of farmers who at that time could not afford meat, so much so that it was called the meat of the poor. Even, during the Kingdom of Naples this legume was listed on the agricultural stock exchange of the city. The white poor bean has considerable genetic resistance to the main fungal diseases of the bean, as well as considerable resistance to attacks of red spider.
Pollino National Park includes large areas of great landscape interest. Over time, nature has forged the dolomitic and limestone rocks creating spectacular landscapes. Between cliffs, deep gorges, karst caves, morainic deposits and large green pastures, this area is one of the most beautiful and evocative places in our country. There are also many streams and rivers that cross the park and which, by digging the valleys, have contributed to creating wonderful views.
The municipalities of Mormanno, Laino Castello and Laino Borgo, contained within the Park, have decided to establish a unique Municipal Denomination (De.Co.) for this type of legume, one of the few cases of recognition managed by an association of neighboring countries.
Why us?
We respect the seasonality of crops, linked to the local knowledge that our farmers tell us and that we want to pass on to those like us who are committed to working according to these principles.
The diversity of altitude (from 500m to 1100m above sea level) allows us and guarantees to be able to cultivate in dry and irrigated conditions and to sow varieties that prefer different microclimates.
The production processes, from cultivation to packaging and transformation, are guaranteed by quality standards that allow you to retrace all the steps and respect the HACCP protocols.