Terraegusto is a farm specialized in the cultivation of local ecotypes of cereals and legumes..
It is located in Mormanno, in Calabria, in the Pollino National Park’s heart.
The cultivated areas extend to different altitudes and over the entire municipal area, because we have chosen to restore abandoned land to rebuild that agricultural mosaic that has characterized our territory for a long time!
The diversity of altitude (from 500 m above sea level to 1100 m above sea level) allows us and guarantees to be able to cultivate in dry and irrigated conditions and to sow varieties that prefer different microclimates.

We respect the seasonality of crops, linked to the local knowledge that our farmers tell us about.
We are collecting them to pass on to those who like us are committed to working according to these principles.
We have decided to pursue the cultivation of local ecotypes.
In fact, we believe that genetics and climate have allowed the different crops to acclimatize which over time has made our products rich in taste and which also reflect the environmental quality characteristics of the place where we have chosen to start our business.
The safety and quality of fresh, dried and processed products are an important goal for us.
This is why the processes, from cultivation to packaging and transformation, are guaranteed by quality standards that allow us to retrace all the steps backwards.
Organic Crops
The cultivation method we have adopted is the organic one, so much so that part of the company already enjoys certification.
Country Notebook
From the selection of the seeds to the planting in the field until the harvest, all the steps are reported in the country notebook.
HACCP Protocols
For all the post-harvest phases we use HACCP protocols, a guarantee of safety and quality.
Municipal Denomination
We are aiming to obtain the De.Co (Municipal denomination) whose production specification we have worked on together with other producers and local administrators.